Project Description


Mannheim, Germany, 2014

intergalactic hotel room

Team: Aljoscha Höhborn,
Benjamin Nast, Jan Bertil Meier,
Alain Yimbou, Thomas Quack
“Theater der Welt” came up with the concept to bring theatre from different geographical, political and social angles of the world to Mannheim, and invent the city in new ways. 20 groups from all over Europe were commissioned to build up small-scaled, improvised, temporary accommodations within one week.

“Decades of research and archiving of UFO (Unidentified Flying Objects) -sightings and -crashes by ufologist Werner Walter (based in Mannheim) from “Zentrales Erforschungsnetz Außergewöhnlicher Himmelsphänomene“ (“Central Exploration Network for Unusual Sky-Phenomena“)

enabled us to collect all the debris floating around there due to failed interstellar debarments – to reproduce an extraterrestrial habitat, an experimental hotel room called ‘the #whoofo. ”

Our aim was to mainly use recyclable material, which we collected from the local scrap yards, wood workshops and on site. One night at the hotel #whoofo, with a starry view through the dome, generated a stunning experience for the visitor.